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The Dark Tower Jack Write
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For over thirty years, fans of Stephen King in the United States have eagerly awaited the conclusion to Roland's pilgrimage to the hidden secrets of the Dark Tower. After almost three years of anticipation, Chinese readers are finally about to receive the long-awaited and slightly fearful grand finale. Mia gives birth to Mordred, the only child of the Crimson King, a personified spider with numerous connections to Roland, and immediately drains her own life force. The members of the Ka-Tet reunite on different battlefields and embark on their journey once again. After experiencing countless dangers and heart-wrenching farewells, they find themselves on the doorstep of the Dark Tower. However, Roland knows that it is in immediate danger! The threat from the Breakers with their supernatural powers still looms, and the rapidly growing Mordred relentlessly pursues them. No one knows what the outcome will be, not even Stephen King himself. In 1999, in the state of Maine, the great writer had a near-death experience when he was almost hit by a car while out for a walk. It was Jack who saved his life, and this incident gave Stephen King a new lease on writing. Thus, Roland watches as the Dark Tower grows closer and closer. Along the way, he rescues Patrick, who has been held captive by vampires. Patrick possesses incredible artistic abilities, with his drawings magically coming to life. At the end of the world, amidst fields of crimson roses, the longed-for Dark Tower stands tall. But the Crimson King guards it, personifying hell itself. Can Roland defeat this embodiment of evil? And what lies behind the door he has sought his whole life at the top of the Dark Tower?

For over thirty years, fans of Stephen King in the United States have eagerly awaited the conclusion to Roland's pilgrimage to the hidden secrets of the Dark Tower. After almost three years of anticipation, Chinese readers are finally about to receive the long-awaited and slightly fearful grand finale. Mia gives birth to Mordred, the only child of the Crimson King, a personified spider with numerous connections to Roland, and immediately drains her own life force. The members of the Ka-Tet reunite on different battlefields and embark on their journey once again. After experiencing countless dangers and heart-wrenching farewells, they find themselves on the doorstep of the Dark Tower. However, Roland knows that it is in immediate danger! The threat from the Breakers with their supernatural powers still looms, and the rapidly growing Mordred relentlessly pursues them. No one knows what the outcome will be, not even Stephen King himself. In 1999, in the state of Maine, the great writer had a near-death experience when he was almost hit by a car while out for a walk. It was Jack who saved his life, and this incident gave Stephen King a new lease on writing. Thus, Roland watches as the Dark Tower grows closer and closer. Along the way, he rescues Patrick, who has been held captive by vampires. Patrick possesses incredible artistic abilities, with his drawings magically coming to life. At the end of the world, amidst fields of crimson roses, the longed-for Dark Tower stands tall. But the Crimson King guards it, personifying hell itself. Can Roland defeat this embodiment of evil? And what lies behind the door he has sought his whole life at the top of the Dark Tower?
Bab Terkini :   Chapter Two: The Spectator Update : 2023-07-07 17:20

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