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2. Pieces of Paper and the Killer (Two Chapters Combined) Chapter 1: The Mysterious Note Sara checked her mailbox before heading back to her cozy apartment. Among the usual stack of bills and advertisements, there was a small, neatly folded piece of paper. Curiosity sparked within her as she carefully unfolded it. The words written on it sent shivers down her spine: "I know what you did. I will be watching." Chapter 2: The Night Visitor As night fell, Sara couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling from the mysterious note. She locked all the doors and windows, hoping to find solace in the solitude of her apartment. But just as she began to relax, she heard a faint tapping sound coming from outside her bedroom window. Peeking through the curtains, she saw a dark silhouette lurking in the shadows. Fear gripped her heart as she realized the worst had come true. The face of the killer, hidden beneath a mask, stared back at her with cold, soulless eyes.

Buku Lain Lily 25547Words 2023-07-05 22:49