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Approaching Apocalypse Marry Write
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The United States secretly researches a new influenza for military purposes, codenamed Project Blue. However, the new flu virus leaks and causes over 90% of the population in the US to die. The survivors divide into two factions, receiving visions in their dreams. The evil side follows Randall Forge, a dark man, to Las Vegas in the west. The other side seeks the spokesperson of God, Abigail Mother, in the east. Randall and his followers gather forces and resources in the west, while Nick, Lou, Fran, Larry, and Stewart settle in Boulder under the guidance of Abigail Mother. They realize that Randall will eventually attack with force, so they form a committee to build a fortified city and send spies to the west. Randall strikes first, deceiving the people in the east to plant bombs that kill Nick and others. Before dying, Abigail Mother instructs Stewart, Larry, Glenn, and Lou to go west. During the journey, Stewart injures his foot and is forced to stay behind, while the other three continue towards Las Vegas. When they reach Las Vegas, they find themselves helpless against Randall, until one of Randall's henchmen, Trashcan Man, brings an atomic bomb, destroying the entire city. Only Stewart manages to return to Boulder.

The United States secretly researches a new influenza for military purposes, codenamed Project Blue. However, the new flu virus leaks and causes over 90% of the population in the US to die. The survivors divide into two factions, receiving visions in their dreams. The evil side follows Randall Forge, a dark man, to Las Vegas in the west. The other side seeks the spokesperson of God, Abigail Mother, in the east. Randall and his followers gather forces and resources in the west, while Nick, Lou, Fran, Larry, and Stewart settle in Boulder under the guidance of Abigail Mother. They realize that Randall will eventually attack with force, so they form a committee to build a fortified city and send spies to the west. Randall strikes first, deceiving the people in the east to plant bombs that kill Nick and others. Before dying, Abigail Mother instructs Stewart, Larry, Glenn, and Lou to go west. During the journey, Stewart injures his foot and is forced to stay behind, while the other three continue towards Las Vegas. When they reach Las Vegas, they find themselves helpless against Randall, until one of Randall's henchmen, Trashcan Man, brings an atomic bomb, destroying the entire city. Only Stewart manages to return to Boulder.
Bab Terkini :   Chapter 25-27 Update : 2023-07-07 17:58

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