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Too clear. Tom Write
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There is an ancient saying: "Man is not as good as the sovereign, and the sovereign is not as good as the immortal." Throughout history, whether it be humans, demons, ghosts, gods, or monsters, they have all sought to comprehend the principles of the heavens and earth, to pursue the ultimate goal of becoming immortals. Immortals can transcend the three realms and exist beyond the five elements, defy fate

There is an ancient saying: "Man is not as good as the sovereign, and the sovereign is not as good as the immortal." Throughout history, whether it be humans, demons, ghosts, gods, or monsters, they have all sought to comprehend the principles of the heavens and earth, to pursue the ultimate goal of becoming immortals. Immortals can transcend the three realms and exist beyond the five elements, defy fate
Bab Terkini :   Chapter 10: Crazy Lu Zhengxuan Fights to the Death Update : 2023-07-05 12:38

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